No one really reads this,(no, Im not being a boob, I check and no one reads this)
but its nice to look back & see that I'm not as boring as I assume

The film industry in
But I worry its slipping out of our hands and into well versed, desperate Californians. I keep debating on renting a couch in
Eye for an eye.
Possible ways for me to get more jobs:
Grow facial hair – give you that ‘I don give a shit, I work too hard to be tidy’ feel
Wear a tool belt or clipboard-I have both but they don’t ever match my outfits
Act elite- don’t name drop, just first names like ‘oh me and Angelina are going to dinner when I head back to mi casa’ or walk around like an exclusive rod was implanted up my ass by some award ceremony
Talk about my next projects- inform everyone how desirable I am and how talent just pours out from all my pours
Its getting closer to swimsuit season. I don’t really know what that means actually. I live in
Its only 5 months till fall anyways
I hear I am crazy and/or weird
I don’t know if the many people with this opinion are right, or I am just in denial.
I wake up
slowly get ready for the day
Lets the day develop
Work if I have to
Get in pajamas
I am unsure where in that ‘normal routine’ do I show my crazy colors.
humans annoy me. Take a person and show me just their head. I bet on my mothers bible that I can tell you their outfit and aspirations.
It might be my sixth sense for being great at being judgmental.
If I described myself to you, then showed you a lineup of humans with me included, I suppose you wouldn’t pick me to match my personality.
Maybe you don’t have my sixth sense, or maybe I’m a living puzzle.
Then again I could be wrong about that one too. One thing about me that undeniable is I have a warped sense of self. If someone yells out “hey blondie” I will turn in their direction, but when a person describes me, it doesn’t sound accurate what so ever.
My fear of mirrors started when I was a teen. Seeing my own image or a photo I found ugly, made me battle a self-loathing adrenaline rush.
Looking at a large mirror image of me quickly filled my brain with a list of flaws and imperfections. The horrifying reality that someone so repulsive and unsightly was staring back. I couldn’t figure out why I would hear I was ‘cute’ or ‘pretty’ or ever ‘skinny’. Assholes. There was nothing funny about teasing me. Sarcastic remarks. Now as I look back, it was stupid of me to snap at people for their compliments or ignoring them. It made me look cocky in their eyes.
They were only trying to be nice. I’m pleading that I was just a self loathing kid.
I still avoid mirrors. I still avoid photos. I’m just more subtle about it now.
When I hear remarks of being weird or crazy, its more so from strangers, so they wouldn’t have the chance to see me dodge reflections. I’m not making up excuses, just informing you on the possibility on how I earned my judgmental sixth sense.
Thank you for meeting me.
Now that I’m a big girl I cant get over teeth. It’s pretty much my first insecurity. Like a first kiss or a first horror movie. You wont forget. So when I meet someone with a good set of chompers, I like to compliment. Ive even asked people if I could brush their teeth (jokingly of course) but Ive had a few actually say YES.
man Ive got some Chiclets teeth.. He would LOVE me.
Toronto, Canada
By Lukasz Kos
this three-level hexagonal structure, which wraps around four trees overlooking Ontario’s Lake Muskoka. “The soaring projection of tree trunks into the enveloping canopy of the forest leads the users of 4treehouse to incrementally begin their ascent into this otherwise hidden world,” Kos says.
Okay, Ill stop now. Bye.
So the Producer that owes me money… (read pervious post below)
Still hasn’t paid me… or.. Contacted me…. or… Even have the decency to answer my phone calls.
I totally didn’t see that coming dude.
But I’ve had some other thing to occupy my mind.
My exquisite friend Kyle was in town for Sundance. I met him at High School Musical. [click here for back story]
I was at a party at Sundance & a live band called Red Arrow Messenger were playing some classic rock and 90s cover songs. Out of all these beautiful people watching this intense & energetic atmosphere.. no one was really dancing.
I started flashdancing & ska kicking by myself, till Lindsey came down stairs & joined me. we were such a spectacle.
After awhile I was way too hot to stay indoors, so without a jacket or breath, we went outside to cool off… then around the corner pops out Kyle. I had no bloody clue he was even in
Anywho. I haven’t been skiing since last year, but I was in the mood.
Sooo me, Kyle, Kiki my sister, Laura, & Lindsey Platt-Watson decided to go.
I woke up at 8 am & attempted to stay awake & get ready for a day on the stunning white slopes of Snowbird Ski Resort.
Kiki and Laura headed up the mountain before the rest of us, and did a few runs. I went and picked up the Lindsey. She wore JEANS under her snow pants! Why the crumbles didn’t I think of that?
I wore ghetto old poo man thermals. My legs looked like waffle pancakes by the end of the day.
We picked up Kyle and sang down the
Kiki and Laura are actually really good boarders. Honestly, I think I was under the impression I was a wee bit better then what was obvious on that mountain.
Lets just say… I perfected the facecartwheel.
Lets also say… my skiing abilities needs their own reality show.
…At the same time, Lindsey and I kept running the easy greens.
On our last run, I literally lost my ski 4 times. It took us almost an hour to get down. Old poo men in snowjumpuits even trash-talked on my ski abilities. I think we took a wrong path somewhere. We had to hoof it back to a normal run.
I was finally pooped, I lost my ski again, so me & my partner in crime had a little detour.. we sat in the snow, in the middle of some trees. Great view.
We made a fictional story on why it took us so long to get down the last run:
That THE PRESIDENT OF DUBAI came RUSHING down the mountain with his security personnel he cut us off and we were FORCED to go on a black diamond run. After that.. there were some mountain men who needed help gathering sap from trees, so they could eat pancakes. After that, a group of orphans that were getting ski lessons… and became very lost and scared, so we saved them.
Of course, yeah know.. just doin our duty. Justaaa…. Being good citizens.
After the ski adventure.. Kiki & Laura went home. Me, Linds, & Kyle went to In&Out Burger and headed over to a party.
It was some douche’esque openhouse party to meet up with Whitney. She is a fancy flower that I also met at High School Musical. Everyone at the party were just… too…. Too pretty. I think most of the guys there spend more money on tanning products then I do on my uninsured car. Oh and I wont EVER forget the eyebrows... aaaaaannnnd I thought the cholita girls I mentor have some bad brows. This whole crowd had them all slicked sideways, plucked, waxed and immoveable.
I felt very out of place, but trying my best to be a good sport. Allll I wanted to do is pee. I was eating snow (forcefully) all day and its time to end the horror. The bathroom upstairs had a couple pressed against it. The bathroom downstairs smells like a former bad situation and the one on the middle floor was right next to the chocolate fondue fountain. Which had a crowd of people way too close for comfort. Finally.. after the couple left my sanctuary, I celebrated my good-patience victory.
then sat on/around Lindsey as Kyle mingled with all the babes. Oh, randomly a stereotypical snowborderbro, heard me say ‘I want to dance’.
Snowbro, walked over to me, in a Danny Zuko fashion, took me by the hand, brought me to my feet. He dipped, flipped and danced with me like a Disney princess.
Then left.
It was the most interesting way I have met a guy. I don’t even know his name.
Then the night finally passed on and I took everyone home.
High five!