making myself the best version of me.
My ex called not too long ago to ask for girl advice. But we didn’t end on good terms. We broke up 4 years ago and still fight. And he wanted girl advice. No.
I’m sorry im bitter. I feel as tho he is an idiot that i wasted too much time on. He told me a few months ago how much hotter id be if I got fit. Or called me “simple”. Or bitches about religion. You aren’t fun. I like happy, sassy, fun guys who can keep me on my toes. Im usually bored with people. I never like someone over a few weeks. Shit happens. He was lucky I disliked myself so I stayed interested.
Sorry for that one.
Searching for a second job. I am being sent to court for not being able to pay my bills. Im a wee bit screwed, so If I don’t write for awhile, that’s why. I MIGHT BE IN BLOODY JAIL.
So I cleaned my new car… wanna see?
I feel like a princess. I feel like my feet are finally hitting the ground and I can almost start running again.
Another thing on my mind. I need to get an even bigger backbone then I expected. As soon as I blow everyone off… I realize people will stil contact me to do them favors.
I could never do that to someone.
This is going to be a lot of thinking. I need o figure out what drives people to be this crappy
Tomorro is the SAOSIN concert. A band I actually like. It will be fun. My friends and I will be working it. I only know the older CDS. But im hoping I can at least get a shirt. I miss good music.
And last but not least of my random thoughts

I am straight edge.
I am not doing this for a reputation.
I am doing this for me. Only me. I am not part of any crew.
I feel as tho I am 9 years strong female.
I want nothing more but live a substance free lifestyle.
I love who I am and who I will become
. I am not ashamed of straight edge.
Even tho I do not agree with all edge folks actions, I will love and respect other people of the straight edge community.
I stand united and accept the stereotype and resistance regarding straight edge
and will take on the conscience.
I am fully committed to being unified with the brotherhood.
And for the shit I get for being female only fules me to prove myself.
I am not violent, I am content.
And I will not hesitate to stand up for myself and for others.
Im a lover, not a fighter and this is one thing I love and live for.
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