I have many things that have happened!
Its already 2010 and I have much to catch the world up on
First things first:
....is a film festival that takes place annually in the state of Utah, in the United States.
Every year my friend and I crash it and go to random parties and walk the
Its loads of fun. But this year… I’ll actually be working it.
Strange right?
First, using fake ID with fake accents and getting into clubs with horrible long lines.
Then, getting a job and actually being apart of the celebration.
My job: Personal Assistant
For: The Producer
Wowza .
This girl, riiiight here? lucky dog lucky dog lucky dog.
I am excited but scared, nervous.
I have been an assistant before,......but not for an actual film crew.
Its been for cranky band dudes.
I know I can handle that.
I can manage taking care of 70 teens. So this will (hopefully) be a snap
*snap *snap *snap *snap
also, Studlystud is coming up to Salt Lake to watch a band play. He told me that he 'must' hangout with the friends he is coming with or it would be rude. but I want to be selfish. I want to see him. I want to be rude.
I dont know what tomorrow will bring
lets just make sure i dont piss myself
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