
Zombie Porn

porn porn porn oh my
not a real porn, just a movie with it in the title
Went to go watch a movie my pal Sean helped make.
it was interesting.
it was about making a porn, and everyone becomes zombies.
i had a blast talking to him and hearing an outsiders prospective on life.
weird enough, one of the actors was a boy who i madeout with when i was a teen
it was strange
very strange
he acted as if i was some creepy freeeeeak monster
"um hey.... are you angel?"
"its me"
its me isnt a name. i find it weird when people say that in a voicemail
how many females can call my phone and say "its me, blah blah bitch bitch"
i dont know who it is
or a boy "yo its me, blah blah holla"
but yeah i kissed thatdude backintheday
and i found him too touchy, it was over after that
not a big deal its not like he raped a kitten on my front lawn
just a whatup-kissy-justkidding-dont like you- peaceout
he was cool tho.
i wish i had better guy friends. thank satan for Sean and Chris
and a backnote, i could have sworn he was alot taller then me
either i have a horrible sense in height
or ive gotten taller
alot taller
the amazon beezy is here to terrorize your town
really, i keep somehow running into people from my past
and everyone is getting so tiny and skinny and small
what ever happened to guys with butts anyways?
its not like i alllways look
but come on
i understand that too tight of pants is not healthy
for your gooberymanparts*
but quit saggin your jeans so much and get a pair that hugs the rear
and is loose on yer goose
its not like I'm going to undress you with my eyes
i just want somethin to look at as you walk away, while muttering to your friends some pathetic remark about us ladies
the movie was cute besides all the naughty bodies
and next time i go to a movie, i want to bring a blanket

sad problem of the day, i didnt pay my cell bill
so i can only recieve text
i didnt get to text JeanShorts* about us hangingout tonight
i wanted to tell him about it, but i couldnt :(
i hope he understands
if not, then i wont have to worry my litttle squishy heart about him
he really makes me smile
the toof kind of smile
where your upper lip sneaks under your mustache area
and your smiling so hard it hurts and it seems as if your teeth and gums are attacking the rest of your face?
like him like that
but problemo-
he has an ex
a longterm ex
a beautiful ex
damn her.
im not going to get in the way of fate
but i mean, i took him to the Sophomore Valentines Day Dance
in high school
it was meant for us to hold hands and maybe even cuddle
maaayyyybe? eh?

<3 Strange Girl

JeanShorts = high school stud
gooberymanparts= weinie

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